How to discuss the health impacts of climate change with patients in a clinical setting (2023, Minnesota Department of Health; 11 min)
Best Practices in Climate and Health Communication (2020, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 1 hr)
Climate Change is Making You Sick (2020, Dr. Kathy Kulus and Dr. John Mahowald, Tedx;
11 min)
Should You Talk to Your Doctor About Climate Change? (2020, Helen Redmond, Tedx,; 15 min)
Messaging on the Climate Emergency (2019, Physicians for Social Responsibility,; 1 hr)
Teen Talks: Climate Change & Child Health (2018, Mount Sinai Environmental Medicine & Public Health, 2018; 5 min)
Climate Health and Equity Fellowship Capstone Project Presentations (2023, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health; 52 min)
Moving Forward: Responding to the Climate Emergency (2022, Doctors Without Borders; 51 min)
Justice in the Era of Climate Change (2020, Surili Patel, Clinical Climate Change Conference; 25 min)
How Nurses can take climate action: Presenting the Nurses Climate Challenge (2020, Healthcare Without Harm; 1 hr 15 min)
Inaugural Climate and Health Science Webinar (2020, Centers for Disease Control; 1 hr 32 min)
Climate Change Justice Changes Health: Local, Tribal, Global, & Generational (2017, Panel, American Public Health Association; 1 hr, 35 min)
Climate Coaching: Tools to Build the Movement (2023, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health; 45 min)
The Role of Advocates in Climate, Health, and Equity (2023, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health; 25 min)
Nursing for people and planet (2023; NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action; 53 min)
Achieving Planetary Health through Sustainable Action (2023, Climate Change & Health Symposium, Mass General Hospital; 3 hr)
Decarbonization of the Health Sector (2023, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Heatlh; 50 min)
Climate Healthy Hospitals (2021, CA Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice; 22min)
Reimagining Academic Travel in a Post Covid World (2021, Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education; 7 min)
Balancing Patient Safety and Public Health: The Dilemma of Healthcare Pollution (2020, Clinical Climate Change Conference; 48 min)
Environmental Sustainability in Anaesthesia (2020, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists; 1 hr)
From Classrooms to Climate Action: Mobilizing Student Nurses (2023, EcoAmerica; 15 min)
What is a Climate Doctor? (2023, University of Colorado Climate & Health Program; 2 min)
Why We Have to Transform Curriculum (2021, Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education; 49 min)
Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (2021, Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education; 50 min)
Social, Environmental, and Financial Sustainability Education for Health Professionals (2021, Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education; 5 min)
Planetary Health Report Card: Institutional Advocacy Tool (2021, Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education; 6 min)
Introduction to Climate and Health (2023, Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education; 1 hr 45min)
Climate Change and Pediatric Asthma: A View into the Most Vulnerable Populations (2023, tanford Medicine Children's Health; 18 min)
Effects of climate change on nursing & midwifery: perspectives from students in the U21 HSG network (2023, UTI Health Sciences Group; 1 hr 7 min)
Listen to Black Women: How Environmental and Systemic Racism Affect Moms and Babies (2021, Moms Clean Air Force; 38 min)
Is Climate Change Another Adverse Childhood Event? (2018, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health; 45 min)
Climate Change, Respiratory Health, and Equity: A Call to Action (2032, Stanford Medicine Children's Health; 22min)
State of the Air by the American Lung Association (2023, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health; 41 min)
How Air Pollution and Climate Change Affect Your Health (2020, Panel, Mothers and Others for Clean Air,; 35 min)
Climate Changes Health: The Breath and Heart of it All (2018, American Public Health Association; 1 hr, 28 min)
Climate Change & Floods: Increasing Rates of a Lesser Known Indoor Mold Induced Inflammatory Illness (2022, NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action; 1 hr)
Climate Change and Extreme Heat in 2023 (2023, Blum Center Mass General Hospital; 1 hr 5 min)
Climate Change, Extreme Heat, and Health Webinar (2021, Centers for Disease Control; 1h 14 min)
The Lancet Series on Heat and Health: Global Launch Webinar (2021, University of Sydney; 1 hr)
Extreme Heat and Health (2019, NRDCflix; 5 min)
More Heat, More Allergies, More Bugs (2017, John Hopkins Medicine; 58 min)
Confronting the link between climate change and infectious diseases (2023, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; 54 min)
Mental Health & Climate Change (2017, EcoAmerica; 1 hr)
Health Care and the Climate Crisis (Voice of the Youth, 2021)
Dr. Nicholas Freudenburg on death by capitalism (Make it Plain, 2021)
On the public health case for climate action (Climate Pod, 2020)
Immigration, health and the environment (Raíces Verdes, 2019)
Public Health and Climate Change (America Adapts, 2018)
When climate change makes it hard to breath (Terrestrial/NPR, 2017)
Hidden health hazards of climate change (Climate One)
How environmental racism persists through de facto segregation (Green Dreamer)
The 'deadly monopolies' of the medical-industrial-complex (Green Dreamer)
Taking a more holistic view on personal and planetary health (Green Dreamer)
Affordable housing, public health, & environmental justice (Green Dreamer)
Climate change as a public health threat affecting everyone (Green Dreamer)
The role of doctors in leading action on climate change (Green Dreamer)
A stronger mind and body to support a healthier planet (Green Dreamer)
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